
6月 25, 2009


在秩序論中以Emile Durkheim的學說為主, 其實之前認識Durkheim是因為學習functionaliasm(功能結構論),那時不明白他為何看社會階級看得那麼和平,而不像Karl Marx那樣激動和要搞革命,所以那時不太喜歡功能學說!
但現在才明白為何Durkheim對階級看得有點消極, 在內文提到「貧困免疫力」, 而Durkhiem也認同「貧困免疫力」這個觀點…  
「貧困免疫力」這個觀點認為,貧窮本身就是對欲望的一種限制。不管一個人如何動作,其欲望總在某種程度上依賴於物質條件。已有的財產可以成為追求其他財產的一個尺度。擁有的財產越少,擴張欲望的規模越小。沒有權力可使人安於現狀,與世無爭。沒有人過份奢侈也就激不起嫉妒心。另一方面,財富通過它賦予人們的權力使人誤以為自己能夠完全獨立自主。實際上它不過是削弱了客觀事物給人們造成的障礙,但給人的感覺卻是可以無往邢不勝。一個人越是感到自己能力無限,對客觀存在的限制就越不能容忍。Durkheim肯定上述的觀點,並且指出:許多宗教反覆宣傳貧窮的好處和精神的價值,也不是無道理。「貧窮實際上是培養自我抑制的最佳教練。」它迫使人們不斷自我約束,也就能夠坦然地接受社會規範的約束。財富則使人忘乎所以,激起對抗心理,從而走向邪惡。當然,這並不意味著人們不該改善自己的物質條件。 ( 節錄自宋飛林的《社會學理論》)
(這個觀點雖然不能應用在任何情況, 李家誠就是一個好的反例子啦!但我認為它仍是有其重要性, 就在於人們如何接受社會規範的約束的方面時,這是一個不錯的解釋!)
而且Durkheim還認為不管在任何時代裡, 總會有人受慈善、側隱之心所鼓舞而對於貧窮民眾深表同情與關懷, 試圖想改善他們。這種看法的確冇錯..但那些「人」..真是少之有少呢!!
其實又難怪Durkheim, 因為他致力找出社會均衡和穩定的方法, 功能結構論的觀點的確是對研究社會體系很重要, 然而..對於在階級中被異化和受不公平待遇的一群來說, 他們是在功能結構論中的受害者…
( picture copied from: www.gamaniabrandcenter.blogspot.com)

突然間想到,「貧困免疫力」可能就是阻礙Marx所指勞工階級自我利益意識(class for itself)發展出來的因素, 令到反資本革命尚未成功!!

6月 24, 2009


暑假真好~好在時間太flexible了(其實只是找不到fulltime summer job而然^^”)

我們再搞一次個關於70年代艇戶全紀錄的exhibition(period:1/7-6/7), 這次呢~吸取了上次ehb的不足,所以這次我們可以做得更多更好,有可能的話,我們會找真的魚網(有腥味那種)來放入展覽場景中
其實這次的ehb除了想人知道當年的學生運動外, 還有推廣現在我們所做的新社會運動, 可令更多人參與我們, 最後當然是sale下apss個programme啦: 讀這科不止學在字裡行間, 還會走進社會!!
就是叫d lecturer買我們所製的fotomo 作紀念品, 以作支持「行動者」
以下是我們fotomo factory的情況:
the art work--fotomo, the picture presents the boat people movement in Hong Kong in 70's
順帶一提, fotomo是一種利用相片來表達和突出事物的方式, 由於不同人對同一張相會有不同的interpretation,所以看看別人製的fotomo,會明白別人著眼的東西,和他們想突出的部分!!   我覺得這種勞作教小朋友會很有趣,因為可以知道他們的小腦袋注意的會是什麼東西

5月 27, 2009

逾八成本地青少年熱愛祖國 願以理性開放態度全面瞭解國家 (日期:二00九年五月十九日)

對於今年的題目,之前和上届的組員開會討論過他們的data,我覺得他們的framework structure做得很好,用5個在學校的教育場景的dimentions去量度學生是否有理性愛國的傾向,當中從data可看到香港的中學著重於有那些dimention的國民教育,和是否提供學生有開放性的討論,而那些會導致學生傾向理性愛國和盲目受國等等。


研究又發現,約三成半(34.7%)受訪者表示老師經常提及有關「中國人的一些共同價值(如:忠孝、禮義廉恥、仁義等)」,但僅一成(9.7%)表示老師經常提及有關「中國政府的政治理想、理念和政府架構 (如:人大制度、民主集中制、人民民主專政等)的課題」﹔反映學校只偏重某些國民教育的課題,學校的國民教育偏頗,未能滿足青少年希望全面和客觀認識祖國之期望。


5月 09, 2009

an article: The Medium is the massage

Tittle: The Medium is the massage

 (this article is a  project of my study at social structure and social theory at 2009 , looking backward, which is a naive in mixing up the theories simply)

Sometime, we enjoy but don’t know what behind our back…

Sometime, different consumers need different “service”…

  1. Introduction——————————————–3
  2. Mass V.S. Public—————————————-5
  3. Newspaper———————————————-7
  4. Television———————————————–11
  5. Advertisement—————————————–18
  6. The Internet——————————————–26
  7. Conclusion———————————————-29 
  8. Reference———————————————–30

1. Introduction
In daily life, we are easier to gain any information through media, especially mass media. Through analyzing the transmission of information through mass media, we can find out the path of construction of our society which involves forming social values, norms, beliefs, and lifestyles, so on. Mass media is a term used to denote a section of the media specifically envisioned and designed to reach a very large audience such as the population of a nation state. It is the sum of the public mass distributors of news and entertainment across media such as newspapers, televisionradioand broadcasting. It aims to produce a collective sense to connect people to people, and then solidifies masses from groups to a society.
To some extent, the messages through mass media are not raw, but naturalize and realize filtered information by journals, especially popular newspapers, and by broadcasting. Some will be diluted, some inevitably misinterpreted. By Marshall McLuhan pointed out that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. McLuhan also proposed that mediathemselves, not the content they carry, should be the focus of study; he said that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not only by the content delivered over the medium, but by the characteristics of the medium itself.As a result, people received those messages as forming a mass society with special characteristics, notably atomization or lack of social connections, which render it especially susceptible to the influence of modern mass-media techniques such as advertising and propaganda.By Frankfurt School’s definition of mass society, mass society is linked to a society of alienated individuals held together by a culture industry that served the interests of capitalism.
In this journal, I selected three types of mass media, including Newspaper, Television and Advertisement, to examine the social construction (ideologies) through them. And I would like to apply some cultural theories to analyze audiences and messages, even the medium.
In the last part, I have mentioned an alternative media—The Internet, which maybe totally subvert the ownership/authority of production of culture. And it is a public media for people to discuses.
To begin with this journal, you are asked to think about why I see the medium as a“massage”. In the end of this journal, I will answer why the journal’s name was called“The Medium is the massage”

2. Mass V.S. Public 

phatfreemiguel 拍攝的 Times Square, Hong Kong。
-This area in front of Time Square is a public area-

First of all, since I will mention “mass” frequently, I will define what is mass, and the distinction between mass and public.
According to a sociologist C. Wright Mills, he made a distinction between a society of “masses” and “public”. As he tells:
In term of public
  1. Virtually as many people express opinions as receive them,
  2. Public communications are so organized that there is a chance immediately and effectively to answer back any opinion expressed in public. Opinion formed by such discussion
  3. Readily finds an outlet in effective action, even against – if necessary – the prevailing system of authority.
  4. Authoritative institutions do not penetrate the public, which is thus more or less autonomous in its operations.
In term of mass,
  1. Far fewer people express opinions than receive them; for the community of publics becomes an abstract collection of individuals who receive impressions from the mass media.
  2. The communications that prevail are so organized that it is difficult or impossible for the individual to answer back immediately or with any effect.
  3. The realization of opinion in action is controlled by authorities who organize and control the channels of such action. The mass has no autonomy from institutions; on the contrary, agents of authorized institutions penetrate this mass, reducing any autonomy it may have in the formation of opinion by discussion”

(to be continued...) 

1月 25, 2009

