
2月 21, 2013



美國公路電影Thelma and Louise(1991) 中譯為《末路狂花》,我認為是少有可以緊扣電影主幹的中文譯名。所謂「末路」,除了意指ThelmaLouise涉及一連串的「犯罪行為」而最後警察被趕上絕路,隨著她們在連串事威脅、反抗、誘惑、破壞、辯駁的反思,更意味兩位女性續步脫離她們原有的渴望依賴男人的溫馴形象,她們所造成的混亂簡直令片中的男性謂之「瘋狂」。
導演Ridley Scott以一個相當父權主義的社會為背景,女性所需要的安全感不是來自私人領域的愛情(男女間的婚姻),就是公共領域的建制(保障人生安全的警察制度)。電影一方面呈現了兩位女性發現由男性所主導的婚姻制度的沉悶乏味和警局制度的刻板迂腐;另一方面,被「狂花」所顛覆的,不但是她們不再盲目相信前者所衍生的安全感,更在危機中發現女性的自主意識(例如她們重獲的自信和刺激),所以片中的男性不免經常出罷出來不及反應的錯愕表情。

2月 18, 2013



















梧棲是台中一個寧靜的社區,在它政府大樓旁停車場的燈柱上貼著一張寫著「下午4點後,請勿停車,有夜市小吃」的告示。入夜後,停車場有十多檔小販,有的是車仔檔,有的是用貨車改裝成的廚房。小販們用的小販車廚房配合提供椅桌的營運方式。食客都願意坐在椅上用餐,吃完後,老闆就去打理;有時食客還會自動將垃圾掉進小販設置的垃圾袋裡;這種食客與小販的自律,確實令整個食用場地變得更天乾淨衛生,白天就變回政府的停車場。有一點是港人意想不到,雖然旁邊有不少小食店和海鮮餐廳,可是不見得是一種惡性競爭,反而食物的多樣性(各式飯、面、飲料、甜點等等) 卻可引來多些顧客來這一帶的消費。這種週期性地改變一個停車場空間的經驗,其實香港也有可能,因為各區的政府辦工大樓總有些時段(每晚6點後?)和日子(星期六、日?)停車場是可能空置。






2月 07, 2013


     《蘿拉快跑》(Run Rola Run)(1998)是說蘿拉如何在20分鐘籌到10萬馬克來她那個小混混男友曼尼,而它六十多分鐘的放映時間就由導演Tom Tykwer 運用三次重複(repetitions)來組成這個故事的敘述方式。每次重複「蘿拉快跑」都會插進那段卡通蘿拉,好像遊戲重來一樣,蘿拉就會有不同的決定和行動(我想這也暗示著蘿拉跟曼尼那遊戲人間般的生活態度)。
每次重複看似隨機,卻非獨立,而是相關。法國哲學家德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze; 1925-95)這樣說,差異來自於重複。三次重複和三個不同的結果,都來自於蘿拉跟曼尼所做的不同決定。人文學科中提及的可能性(possibilities),它顯然不止是數字上什麼概率上隨機,而是來自於物質間可以產生差異的唯一性(singularity),打個比喻,現在去煮兩鍋湯,在材料的成份和火候上有一點點的不同,那煲湯的味道就會不一樣。就如在頭兩次game-over時(即蘿拉或曼尼要死的時刻),畫面就回到他們在床上各自的自白和擔憂,這像是遺憾卻也是對他倆關係的反思。這樣在故事交接中所插入的情節十分曖昧,它不止是一個故事的結束,它更是另一個故事的觸發點,也發動了一個完全不一樣但又合理的故事。你看,三次的重複出現的角色和場景幾乎一樣,可是他們之間的關係就改變了。
我想導演Tom Tykwer 在短短的六十多分鐘擺出三種差異的結局,是要挑戰一下觀眾對故事一般的解讀方式。一般的電影故事,觀眾總會很自然地以已認知的「常理」來合理化所呈現的事件間的前後因果關係,就是因為我們都假設了一連串事件(相關或不相關)由一條因果關係(causality)的鏈組成。所以,與其說成一種擾亂,倒不如說是Tom Tykwer 想透過「蘿拉快跑」來重構的另一種敘述(narrating)方式。雖然我們的真實世界不能像蘿拉般re-start,但跳出電影,我想possibilities就個概念可能作為社會想像的工具,過於structuralistic causality的觀點其實有點悶。


2月 06, 2013

A book review on Probyn’s "Blush: Faces of Shame": The Shame's Dispositions

Written by Daren Leung

There is a need of an affective turn in the humanities, beyond the traditional notion of social construction of cultural causality in humanistic studies. Pruchnic (2008) emphasizes that cultural affective theories have led humanities theorists to challenge the previously dominant theories of social and ideological construction and to adopt a more empathetic stance in the research of social phenomena. Therefore, drawing on the insights from the extraordinary thoughts on affect and body, Probyn in her book - Blush: Faces of Shame (2005) - formulates a new theoretical framework on the embodiment between shame and interest with interpenetration between Silvan Tomkins’s psychobiology of differential affects and Gilles Deleuze’s Spinozaist ethology of bodily capacities.(Gregg & Seigworth, 2010). Probyn provides a cultural affective approach to investigate the feeling of shame in “the perspective of body, as truly corporeal, that will lead us into new understanding of how we inhabit society and what it means to embody the social” (2005, 27), and to engage in the discussion in terms of the body, the affect of shame - interest and the disposition from habitus.
In Probyn’s affective turn on studying the embodiment and affect, her inter-disciplinary approach on shame comes cross anthropology, sociology, physiology, psychoanalysis and so on. With the sociological training background, Probyn realizes that it ignores the ideas about biology, psychology, and the innate nature of shame. So she intends to go beyond the sound structural determinism of Bourdieu’s habitus that our body, feelings and sensations are ‘habitualized’ and dedicated by a certain social structure or social order and collective history. Drawing on the insights from the extraordinary thoughts on affect and body, Probyn formulates theoretical framework on the polarity of shame-interest with the making of interpenetration between Silvan Tomkins’s psychobiology of differential affects and Gilles Deleuze’s Spinozaist ethology of bodily capacities.(Gregg & Seigworth, 2010). 
Without ignoring the innate nature of shame, Probyn tries to use Tomkins’s idea of the polarity of shame-interest as her theoretical basis to exhibit the power of shame with the corporeal respective. To enrich the body knowledge in humanities study, Probyn uphold the body potential ‘to affect and to be affected’, then the feeling of shame appears as an “innate torment” to indicate the promised connection or unaware interest is interrupted. Probyn says so,
Shame only operates after interest and enjoyment have been activated, and inhabits one or the other or both. The innate activator of shame is the incomplete reduction of interest or joy.” (p.14)
Obviously, without interest there is no shame, it disabuses the way to viewing shame as a miserabilist condition that it must be erased at any cost. Significantly, this quotation reminds us that the polarity of shame-interest Probyn highlighted has two features of shame: 1) The more intense feeling of shame, the more interested being interrupted. By Tomkins, interest would not disappear, but is incompletely reduced. It means that the linkage between a person and a thing broke. In other words, one is more interested in and cares about an object; one is easier to put herself or himself at risk of being shameful, either being disappointed by the object or disappointing the object. Moreover, 2) the polarity of shame-interest illustrates the relation between our body and shame. Shame is not only to be presented as an act of utterance, such as I said “I feel ashamed”, but also to induce a corporeal, innate bodily association. That’s why Probyn used “blush” to describe the shame. What’s more, apart from seeing blushing as a physical reaction, as a metaphor of “masking” implies that we try to hide our soul as well as that our face being covered by blushing. So, feeling ashamed results a withdrawal which we cannot confront the society or the object that we long for. In this way, shame is no longer negative but is self-evaluative when we can find out our unaware interests in the world.
Beyond the distinction between mind and body, Probyn is inspired by Deleuze’s notion of body which argues that affects are ideas, so shame as the affective idea is produced out of the clashing of the mind and the body which understands human as ‘entity’, and body as a set of assemblages. The affective change that is triggered when one feels ashamed will turn the assemblage of body in different order.
Rather, the subjective for Deleuze is the affective assemblage of bodies of different order and elements…Shame is a product of machine of subjective disposition, which produce shame as both idea and affect. (p.144) 
By the possibilities of the assemblage of body, it stresses that different affects make us feel, think, and act in different ways, or in the subjective dispositions. Moreover, shame can work over the body in the different orders, it does this experientially—the body feels very differently in shame from how it feels in enjoyment—but it also reworks how we understand the body and its relation to other bodies or to the social. As a result, shame enlarges the man; it provides an argument against considering expressions of shame as merely a personal affliction. Shame, locates in bodies, becomes the entity that produces the mind as ‘an impassioned witness’. While it is argued earlier that shame is about self-evaluation with the polarity of shame-interest, Deleuze’s argument breaks with a tendency to conceptualize shame in the common psychological term as an interior quality. Shame in Deleuze’s description comes from a complex disposition which is unlike the version of the habitus (by Bourdieu, it combines the inherent and the lived experience of social structure—the biology and biography of a person). Most interestingly, Probyn deems that Deleuze goes further in radicallydepersonalizing’ shame. Shame as an affect is transformative that crosses many different orders of bodies.

To sum up, Probyn argues that shame can entail self-evaluation and transformation. On one hand, with the polarity of shame-interest, Probyn follows Tomkins’s corporeal notion to suggest that shame is activated by “the incomplete reduction of interest or joy.” She argues that the feeling of shame appears as “bodily withdrawal” to show that the promised connection between a person and a thing broke or, psychoanalytically, our unaware interest is interrupted. In other words, the polarity of shame-interest can generate a process of re-identification on the relations between one and a thing when one is feeling ashamed. So, shame is an ethical and political issue when shame can produce a self-evaluative force in one’s social life. On the other hand, with the subjective disposition from Deleuze’s affective assemblage of bodies, Probyn argues that shame can work over the body in different orders. It does this experientially - the body feels very differently in shame from how it feels in enjoyment - but it also reworks how we understand the body and its relation to other bodies or to the social. Shame, being located in bodies, becomes the entity that produces the mind as “an impassioned witness.” As a result, shame is transformative; it crosses many different orders of bodies, by altering one’s embodied way from one’s favorable habitus (in Bourdieu’s sense). Thus, shame can lead to a de-familiarization of one’s habitus. Overall, with the interpenetration between Tomkins’s affect model and Deleuze’s affective bodily capacity, the subjective disposition with the different bodily order turns shame into a visceral, corporeal reminder for us to be true to our interest, to be honest about why certain things are of our own interest.

Gregg, Melissa & Seigworth, Gregory J. (ed) (2010). The affect theory reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
Probyn, Elspeth (2005). Blush: Faces of Shame. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Pruchnic, Jeff (2008). ‘The invisible Gland: Affect and Political Economy’. Criticism 50: p.160-175.